
Things I made, completed or not.

  1. Lunaires - A daily one-month game jam
  2. neurodiverging - A mostly ambient album
  3. kute - A dead simple music notation system
  4. Novembeat 2021 - One track every day for 30 days
  5. StoryDicetober 2021 - A dice-based prompt generator
  6. sitelen pilin laso - A Toki Pona emoji set
  7. Lineaments - A text-based habit tracker
  8. suno ala suno - A lo-fi RAV Vast track
  9. ma kasi insa - A Toki Pona voxel game
  10. unpa pona - A Toki Pona adult text game
  11. kalama musi ike nanpa wan - An OP-Z mini mix
  12. Paper Tron - A tweetable tabletop Tron
  13. pimeja - A Toki Pona dictionary
  14. Now - A simple digital garden
  15. toki pona // musi lipu - A small Toki Pona forum
  16. Auspex - An emotional roguelike
  17. Oracles - A digital divination device
  18. G̸e̷s̷t̴e̷s̷ ̸̷d̶'̴a̴u̴t̷o̸m̵̖̊̏ṅ̴̠͍͌͑̾e̵͇̫͖͆̒̈͜͠ - Live steel tongue drum
  19. Shards - A Hallway modification
  20. Under This Forlorn Tree - An undying project
  21. Opuscule - A fragmented text editor
  22. Epilogue - A time tracking and logging tool
  23. The Egg - A game about the meaning of life
  24. A Road to Awe - A low-poly abstract journal