
A simple digital garden

Tags: works, 2020, august, tools, ongoing

My not so static website

The website you're currently browsing started as a mean to loosely track my activities without the constant hassle of daily logging and precise time tracking, which I tried previously for one year with Shards.

The result was a "now" page, updated weekly, meant to stay simple and lightweight, without JavaScript and using classless CSS. I am currently building on these foundations. The "works" section you're reading is the first major addition since the initial concept.

I am planning to add a wiki-like section to share my notes on various topics, and maybe some kind of long-form blog for detailed projects updates and complex ramblings.

This project used the Eleventy static website generator for two years. But at some point, I got fed up with the workflow. Not being able to update it wherever I was was getting in the way, and I also need a better taxonomy system. So I tried loads of other options, and in the end I switched to Grav.

No, it's not as "hand-made" as before. But at this point, I lack the will and the energy to spend more time coding my own system. I'm tired of struggling with the horrors of the modern web. I'd like to focus on creating stuff I have more fun with, like games and music.

Yes, I'll probably switch again one day...