RPG in a Box

A friendly voxel game engine

RPG in a Box is a 3D game development software made by Justin Arnold with the Godot engine. It is designed to create computer role-playing and adventure games with low-resolution voxel graphics. It can also be used for wider purposes, even if it's more suitable for grid-based, per-turn games.

As the name implies, it provides a variety of tools for easy game creation, including a map editor, a voxel editor, a dialogue editor, a script editor, an UI editor, a sound generator, and several other specialized modules. While there are import and export options, for example to work with MagicaVoxel, RPGiaB allows to build a fully-fledged game without any external tool.

It's an excellent choice for beginners, children and people with little to no programming experience, or for rapid prototyping. Since Bauxite, the dedicated scripting language, can be either manipulated visually by connecting simple nodes, or used textually like a traditional programming language, beginners and advanced users can both make use of the feature they prefer.

Disclaimer: I use RPGiaB a lot, and the develper is a friend.

Years ago, I was browsing the Itch tools section, looking for something that would allow me to make my own Minecraft-like game. This is where I discovered RPG in Box. I loved the engine and contacted the developer to ask a few questions.

We ended up talking a lot and became friends, with me providing feedback and bugging him regularly for new features, and him developing his project with passion and dedication.

Most of my game projects are made with RPG in a Box.