I design video games for a living. Previously, I was...
→ Finally saving the galaxy
- Completing the Mass Effect Trilogy. It was worth it, despite all the inane fetch quests.
- Having a blast with the Perseus Polaris.
- Still refining a few ambient tracks.
- Discovering how amazingly good The Durutti Column sounds.
- Still working on that damn website.
- Starting to play Omori. Wow, this is... dark?
→ Still saving the galaxy
- Beating Mass Effect 2 and carrying on in Mass Effect 3.
- Finally (maybe) getting somewhere trying to redesign this website.
- Having a blast playing my new Perseus Polaris.
- Trying to figure out how to play it live with the Microcosm.
→ Swinging every day
- Starting an additional minimal kettlebell program : 10 minutes of daily brutality.
- Playing Mass Effect 2. Yes, the galaxy needs to be saved again.
- Exporting a few live ambient tracks that may or may not be published.
- Learning how awesome grey parrots are.